Welcome inside Bestie Head…

Bestie Head
1 min readJul 14, 2021

I love sex. I am both very open about sex, and very openly sexual.

I believe being sex positive is a big, and crucial, step to fully loving yourself. You gotta own your nasty or you’ll never have those needs satisfied. I hold zero space for shame in my sex life, besides in role play of course…

This blog will be a selection of personal stories around sex, desire, lust and all that yummy, ‘explicit’ stuff. I created this place so that I can share my thoughts unfiltered, less because of my own identity, and more so because I exclusively date in-exclusively… and I try keep the roster well compartmentalised. The last thing I need is to bruise egos that I will then have to stoke better — a bitch does not have the time.

So, here we sit, with Bestie Head. A literary ode to Bessie. And a sexy ode to all delicious connections I have made with some divine dick (as well as their handlers). These aren’t all my besties, and there is much more at play than head. But when this name popped up, how could I resist? I am easily excitable with most things that rise to my occasion.

You will hear far too much information from me soon.

Sincerely mine, and only mine,

Bestie Head

